Editor's Note

Dear readers,

Sephardic Horizons joins you well into the spring of 2020 with the first number of Volume 12. Thus, we enter the twelfth year of this free, on-line journal.

This issue includes another exploration into the history of Sephardic publishing by Marvin Heller. Two interviews introduce two quite different individuals. Mois Benarroch, the Israeli novelist and poet from Morocco, spoke with Sephardic Horizons’ editor, Judith Roumani, during a sojourn in Israel. I had the opportunity and privilege to speak with Mrs. Zina Abraham, a remarkable woman from a distinguished Afghani family. With a lively curiosity that drove her, Mrs. Abraham found herself living in many places and continents, eventually settling in South Florida.

The Turkish actress and playwright, Forti Barokas, is introduced in our Ladino section.

Another rich selection of reviews reflects the growth of scholarship on Sephardic Jews, their history, heritage, and cultural expressions, including several novels. Contributing reviewers include Yolande Cohen¸ Jason Hensley, Regina Igel, Andrea Yaakov Lattes, Nadia Malinovich, Michael Miller, James Benjamin Nadel, K.E. Bättig von Wittelsbach, and myself. We send thanks to all who continue to support this journal in many ways.

We hope that you enjoy Volume 12, Number 1 of Sephardic Horizons. In the season of Pesach, please continue thinking of the people of Ukraine in their time of need.

Warmest regards,

Annette B. Fromm, Associate Editor

Copyright by Sephardic Horizons, all rights reserved. ISSN Number 2158-1800